We are pleased to promote that CR Cataunya Ransom is available using her luxury PR expertise! She can help luxury brands achieve their ultimate goals. As the Co-founder of MosnarCommunications.com, Ransom is available as a luxury PR speaker for hire to consult with audiences and organizations.


CR Cataunya Ransom, Luxury PR Expert MosnarCommunications.com

When Ransom talks with audiences or organizations she covers strategic plans and approaches for how-to communicate better with desired target audiences. Offering insider strategies to enhance engagement in social media and mobile devices. The purpose of hiring a luxury PR speaker for hire is to help brands understand how to be more newsworthy to gain loyal customers to increase revenue earnings.

To book CR Cataunya Ransom for a speaking event or workshop seminar, please contact 1 (404) 416 – 6009. You may also contact Ann Lane at ann@mosnarcommunications.com to discuss scheduling arrangements or business development opportunities.


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