Ask any PR firm who they would like to represent as a client right now? Most likely they will announce Michael Vick! Although we were the first to announce Michael Vick would make a transformed comeback way back in January, even when all the others had counted him out.

Running a luxury PR firm that also represents celebrities we know how critical it is to protect the image of a celebrity brand. Take for example our representation of Legendary Promoter Leonard Rowe longtime friend to Michael Jackson who remains under constant media fire because of his close business friendship with Michael. However, we continue to work very hard to sustain Mr. Rowe’s credibility trumping the bad Google News with our top rank. NO easy task, even ET reported our side properly.

Michael Vick will need PR representation that can recover his brand’s reputation from the bad publicity. If Vick’s brand is repositioned properly the possibilities for his brand are limitless.

The reason why I want Michael Vick as a client is truly because I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. I think that Vick is a genuine guy who has truly been transformed and I feel that he is ready to prove his self to the world.

Contact Mosnar Communications, Inc

We Want YOU Vick! Call us

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