This may be the biggest breakthrough in history and could actually change the martial status of unwed black women everywhere. After all who wants to wed a bossy but professional black woman? However, this new pill will make the professional black woman submissive and easy to get along with. I know my husband wishes the pill was around before we got married!
According to 2009 U.S. Census Bureau reports, black females ages 35 to 44 are the only American women in their child-bearing years with lower marriage rates than men of the same race or ethnicity. By their early 40s, 31 percent of black women have never been wives, whereas 9 percent of white women, 11 percent of Asian women and 12 percent of Hispanic women have never been married.
Who can use this miracle pill? Only professional black women and they must take it before they get married. Well, the pill is not actually in pill form it is a CHILL Pill.
Happy April 1, 2010. No harm intended. 

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