Luxury brands Twitter is the future and you better get on board right now to make an impact. Most often luxury brands tend to market to exclusive audiences. However, Twitter advances efforts to reach niche audiences but on a global scale.

So just how popular are you on Twitter in establishing your luxury brand presence? If you think that Twitter followers is ALL what drives your Twitter branding think again. The thing about measuring Twitter success is that there are so many great tools that can give you results with just a click of a mouse.

Three Steps for Luxury Brands to Measure Twitter PR Success:

1. Value of Twitter Profile – What is the value price tag of your luxury brand Twitter profile? Consider this just like STOCK this number should increase, at least you should hope that it does.

Find out what your luxury brand value is now

2. Retweet Rank – While followers are good, the number of retweets is what drives your Twitter branding success rate.

Check out the rank for your luxury brand tweets and who retweets what you have to say

3. Twitter Stats – Who is following your luxury brand on Twitter by count and statics! Even compare how your competition is measuring up.

What variables drive Twitter stats for your luxury brand?


Visit to learn about valuable tools to drive your Twitter success!

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