A different approach of comedy, in your face questions is making “The View” the hot seat couch stop for politics. After all Oprah has made it clear the only candidate in this Presidential race that will sit on her couch is Sen. Barack Obama. So for now, the next stop is “The View”. Smart to quickly grab Oprah’s rejects!

However, Barbara Walters admits that she was even surprised at the attention that Sen. John McCain’s interview received. Revealing that Rosie O’Donnell sent her an email praising the interview conducted with McCain. Walters said that Mrs. McCain was heard telling a fund-raising event, which a video was obtained by ABC News, that Walters and her crew had “picked our bones clean.”

Wanting in on the action, former President Bill Clinton called to be a guest on “The View”. Appearing on the Monday’s show, Clinton was asked hard hitting straightforward questions. Clinton was asked about his feelings of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton not being selected as Obama’s VP. Additionally, Clinton was asked if he felt Obama could be the next President. Which he responded that he felt Obama would be President.

The McCain interview is what sparked a surge in the show’s ratings after the return from Labor Day. The show is now reportedly drawing some of its largest audiences since O’Donnell (season 2006-7). According to Nielson data, “The View” has an estimated 4.6 million viewers, the episode featuring McCain now ranks fourth most watched in the show’s 12 year history.

Looks like “The View” just became a major campaign stop for this election!

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