Affiliate Policy Disclosure

As part of our website platform, we carefully select curated recommendations for products we love about luxury lifestyle subject matter or cross-related topics and feel that you as our amazing audience will also love. This policy is to inform you directly of our Affiliate Compensation Disclosure being made and available to you for the purpose of disclosing Uply Media, Inc’s brands and websites, is owned and operated by Uply Media, Inc (“”, “MC”, “us”, “we”) financial relationships with certain affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, and other parties that appear on MC’s website at, including any mobile versions of our website, and our social media channels (collectively identified all together as, “Site”).

For over 15 years you have trusted our ability to curate luxury lifestyle content subject matter. We don’t take your trust in us lightly, so when we at times receive monetary compensation or other forms of compensation from our trusted affiliate partners for affiliate marketing links, sponsorships, variations of advertising, online eCommerce store, and promotions featured on our site. We may many times receive financial contributions when you purchase links from our site to our affiliate partners to third-party products and services.  

Our site will also post or otherwise promotes related subject matter content, including editorial content articles, which may many times feature third-party affiliate products and services that result in the purchase of links from affiliate products. Resulting in financial compensation from your purchases made linking from our site to affiliate products and services. 

Affiliate partners may also influence what appears on our site in the form of carefully selected curated content. 

Receiving financial compensation does not take away from the integrity or belief DNA for high-quality luxury lifestyle products and services. 

If you don’t make purchases to our affiliate link partners or affiliate link offer on our Site and do click on third party Ads on our site. We will also many times benefit by receiving financial compensation when you click on third party Ads on our site. This is a result of our providing high-quality content articles about luxury lifestyle subject matter that include third party Ads with matching products and services that may be useful.  

Our affiliate marketing partners include and have included (this is not the complete list and this list is always subject to change or update at any given time now or in the future): 


Amazon Affiliate Program