It seems like there are a maze of lists on the web about PR tips, so I thought I would venture out to find the best ones. Mainly, I attempted to find websites with information submitted by those at the top of their game in the PR industry.

The easy access of blogging has made it possible for almost ANY one to pop up and attempt to be a PR expert or at least proclaim to be one anyway. I found that making certain lists or article publications separates the fakes from the phony. If you are blogging and you’re blog has not been discovered by a list related to your industry you need to try to get discovered ASAP! Making industry list can do many things for your blog such as increase traffic, send more business and most important it can up your brand recognition.

A word to the wise on article publications, before you go out and start submitting articles to every article publication list you can find. I found a good list of top article directories over at which lists the top article directories by their Alexa ranking.

According to you should only pick no more than five article publication websites to submit articles to. Per Dr. Ralph Wilson who is a Pro at Internet marketing over at he stresses that Google spots mass article submissions as Spam. I actually only submit to two article publications regularly and really not as regularly as I should.

Best Online Resources for PR – Public Relations Tips

1. All About Public Relations


3. AdAge Power 150

4. From PR to Eternity – Top 50 PR Blogs in the World

5. Evan Carmichael Public Relations

I hope that you find the information from this list very useful. If you know of some more informative PR websites that complements this list send them my way!

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