In the defense of The New York Post it is hard to remain politically correct when you don’t understand cultural differences. Why do people LOVE Angelina Jolie? This lady understands cultural, fights poverty, seeks to embrace racial differences, and is trying to make a real difference through charity causes.
While N.Y. Post may have been seeking to gain publicity exposure by showing President Obama as a slain Chimpanzee, their PR tactic was not well received. In fact it may go down as the most Stupidest PR tactic of ALL time landing at #1.
What were they thinking is an understatement; the real problem is WHY would they go there? The intent was to capture an audience and create a buzz for stimulus bill talk. The timing was on point but the approach was ALL wrong. I guess N.Y. Post did not get the caution memo about Obama jokes. I recommend that they hire a multicultural PR expert to help them better understand cultural aspects of media. Things are much more complicated today!
Not to mention N.Y. Post has an even bigger problem on their hands because of their Obama Chimp PR Tactic. The black community is boycotting them as a result and at the worst possible timing, it would be black history month. Looks like N.Y. Post is also going to receive a black history month mark but certainly not for what they may have wanted.