Now luxury brands have a resource to refer to for information on the luxury market. is a new independent source for critical news, best practices and competitive intelligence for luxury industry insiders. Executives will receive continually updated information on the website or through a convenient e-mailed news summary all for free. features:

— Global News — track developments as we filter the world’s media to bring you relevant information from difficult-to-find sources, like the Sydney Airport’s request for luxury boutiques in its new T1 terminal (applications are due Aug. 22)

— Exclusive Analysis — probe conventional thinking (like how those storm clouds hidden in Burberry’s seemingly wonderful recent results could impact your business)

— Competitive Intelligence — keep on top of innovations from leading companies and emerging players. Get the scoop on how Cartier wooed the media at the Harbin Ice Festival with a full-sized, carved replica of their Paris boutique

— Emerging Trends — discover why you need to put Baku on your radar

— Data for Top Luxury Executives — explore regional growth rates, quarterly performance benchmarks, brand performance stats and exclusive analysis from reports including, “Who Makes What: Top Luxury Earners” (revealing which 5 executives earn over $10 million before stock options as well as the salaries of CFOs and other top executives)

— Careers

— receive current, executive-level job openings

Who should read

— Executives of luxury companies

— Luxury brand managers

— Brand managers with premium products

— Brand managers contemplating launch of premium products

— Corporate marketing professionals

— Advertising executives

— Luxury brand sales professionals

— Luxury brand service executives

— Corporate and independent PR professionals

— High-net worth financial service professionals

— Executive recruiters

— Retail property developers and owners

— Mall operators and leasing agents

Do you feel that will help luxury marketers increase profits and will luxury marketers know how to apply information learned in thier publicity campaigns?

The information offered on the website is certainly a luxury marketers dream and those who know how to implement publicity campaigns with strategic planning and approach should find this information very useful.

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