Barack Obama wants the senior citizen vote badly. What would be the best way to get the senior vote? Well, Obama has a plan to give seniors a deal released in the Associated Press; he plans to omit federal income tax for senior citizens who make less than $50,000 a year for the rest of their life!

It is stressed on Barack Obama’s campaign website that “If you work hard and pay into the system, you’ve earned the right to a secure retirement” and “But too many seniors aren’t getting that security, even though they’ve held up their end of the bargain. Lower- and middle-income seniors are struggling as their expenses on health and energy skyrocket while their incomes do not keep pace.”
The proposal certainly sounds good to seniors but the article reveals that some of Obama’s allies in Washington think that it is a bad idea. Stressing seniors have economic advantages over other demographic groups. In most cases their mortgages are paid off, they don’t have to pay their taxes Social Security benefits because most have investments and they don’t have childcare expenses like day care or college costs because their kids are mainly grown.

Do you feel that this is a good plan and how effective will this promotion campaign targeting seniors really be?

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