In Hollywood announcing that you are gay was usually the end of a career. However, today there are many stars living active gay lives and maintaining thriving careers. Many celebrities have made media headlines announcing their sexual preferences.

Lindsey Lohan has received so much publicity in the media surrounding is she or is she not gay. The press is following the every move of Lindsey and her British DJ girlfriend Samantha Ronson; which the two have not made any official announcements confirming that they are gay. Despite, Lindsey becoming outraged at Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton after he said the star had “gone gay”.

New rumors have also spread about Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson will be getting married in a secret ceremony in LA later this year. We will see!

However, one celebrity is not ready to jump on this bandwagon or even listen to rumors about being in this club. Oprah stressed that she and best friend Gayle are not gay. Even putting it in her magazine, “If we were gay, we would tell you” and King says “The truth is, if we were gay, we would tell you, because there’s nothing wrong with being gay.”

Okay, I accept that as an open answer.

Now we move on to the new Gay IN crowd, who are also proving that being gay is not stopping their celebrity ranks. Check out this hot list.

When it comes to being gay in Hollywood, is it better to be out or in? Why or why not.

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