Katie Holmes is buzzing in the media! She is considered the hottest celebrity right now and her every move is followed by Paparazzi in hopes of spotting Mrs. Tom Cruise out and about.

Last night Katie took daughter Suri (2-years-old) to see “The Little Mermaid.” The pair attended the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in Times Square for the evening show.

1. Katie Holmes deferred enrollment to Columbia University to play Joey Potter on Dawson’s Creek.
2. Katie Holmes’ father Martin is 6’4” and used his height to intimidate boys interested in his daughter. “My being the youngest of five and having three sisters, he was right to be a little wary,” Holmes told the San Mateo County Times.
3. Husband Tom Cruise is happy to instruct Katie Holmes in his thrill-seeking ways. “I taught her how to ride a dirt bike in an hour and a half,” he told PEOPLE. “She’s a very quick learner.”
4. Katie Holmes has a grande soy sugar-free vanilla latte every morning. “Otherwise it’s going to be a bad day,” she told Teen People.
5. A nude sex scene between Katie Holmes and Aaron Eckhart was mysteriously cut from a 2006 screening of Thank You For Smoking. “We were sitting there in shock,” the film’s writer-director Jason Reitman told the L.A. Times. No one knows who altered the movie, but the scene was later reinstated in theatrical release.
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