If you write a blog and it is really, really good congratulations! If you know that your blog is really good but can’t understand why no one is visiting your blog it is most likely because no one in the world knows that your blog is really good. So how do you solve this problem? After all you have most likely tried everything out there and still doing everything all the so called gurus say to do to drive traffic to your blog!

Well, I will show you how for this blog we received a 4,949,308 increase change on a combined measure of page views and users (reach) in the past 3 months. Additionally, how this blog’s average rank now among other Internet websites is 641,286 in the last 3 months.


According to Alex we have improved again! Alex is reporting that we received a 5,560,009 increase change on a combined measure of page views and users (reach) in the past 3 months. Which lands us at 592,245 for this blog’s average rank now among other Internet websites in the last 3 months.

Please don’t just take my word for it, checkout our stats, right here

How in the world did we manage a 5,560,009 increase when even Seth’s blog is starting to slip in Alex rankings? Alexa shows Seth Godin’s blog had a decrease of 47,369 combined measure of page views and users (reach) in the past 3 months. Giving Seth a 81,545 average rank among other Internet websites in the last 3 months and a 175,515 week average rank. Now, Seth is still “The Man” and this is a very good position to be in.

You have to ask yourself, what are we doing differently to grow our blog that you are not? How are we able to get a Britney Spears and Paris Hilton type of traffic increase? Most importantly, how are we doing this SO fast?
Well, first we had to step back and really look at the situation. There is no way in a million billion years could we beat Seth, he is Top Dog! It would be impossible to replace many of those on AdAge Power150 in the top 50. We had to use a different approach to create a name for ourselves in the blogging world.
Here is what we do know; we know that the “A List” blogs are just like the top 10% of those who control all the wealth in the world, very small. To blogs this remains a closed community and we can’t just walk into this world and be noticed.
Our Secret Exposed:
We needed a strategic plan and approach to make a name for ourselves. It was important to create a blog with a niche that was focused on our industry that would add value and also allow us to toot our horn. So what is our secret? We explained it to you already; we use PR, also known as public relations. We toot our horn about our blog, business, and any or everything that will make us look like experts and standout in the crowd. That’s it!

Here is how you can learn how to do the exact same thing! Click Here

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