I guess many businesses were thinking about getting some extra exposure and publicity on Election Day? Why NOT, we all know that freebies are a great way to spark publicity and interest. However, it is very necessary to check laws before jumping on every bandwagon for some free publicity.

Seems like everyone who wanted to reward voters today for voting forgot to check laws!
Starbucks promised a free coffee and Krispy Kreme offered a free donut to anyone who showed up with an “I voted” sticker, but their giveaways could prove to be costly endeavors, for a reason other than the one you would expect. An article in today’s Atlanta Journal Constitution, titled “Trouble brews for voter freebies.” warned about the possible legal consequences for sugar-seeking voters.
Part of Georgia Code Section 21-2-570, warns: Businesses are free to offer ‘Election Day’ specials or sales for all of its customers, but gifts, incentives or specials just for voters is prohibited under this provision.

Times like this is when publicity stunts can go really very wrong!

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