Now that is a good question! Why can’t Beyonce Knowles make House of Dereon fly off the racks? She certainly turns everything else she touches into gold; music, movies, other people’s brands, etc. So what is the problem with House of Dereon?
Today is Sunday Bash Brand Learning! We are skipping the brunch and planning to tell it like it is the bad and good plus the ugly.

It was not necessarily the Newsweek article last summer that recognized House of Dereon’s lack to wow women to make the brand a hit that hurt Beyonce’s brand. It was the creditable media outlets that women rely on reporting House of Dereon was a failure that truly hurt the brand. And Beyonce did not respond effectively to the negative press and outrageous media attention. Leaving fans to only believe the Newsweek report represented what the brand was about. Which House of Dereon is SO much more!

What did Beyonce’s team do? They re-launched House of Dereon brand with still no message or direction toward the target audience. As Newsweek pointed out, House of Dereon was introduced live on The Oprah Winfrey Show of all places, but still did not connect with their target audience.

While Beyonce is a mega star with a brand asset to move mountains, she still needs a branding message for product delivery. Basic branding 101, who are my target audiences and how do I reach them. Because she is Beyonce this breakdown is much harder, the research must be conducted strategically with extensive planning.

Is anyone even doing PR for House of Dereon? The press page on their website shows no media attention representing any true brand message of creditability. Without this approach House of Dereon will not be able to sustain even with Beyonce name stamped on its forehead.

1 Comment

  1. Mela says:

    Well that probably is because the clothes look taky and/or just boring and the price target is the most ugliest thing about it… sometimes I buy expensive stuff, but house of dereon? nope. It’s really not worth it! Not even Solange likes it, she told it because she is honest, but Beyonce probably doesn’t like it either because she never wears her own garbage but she isn’t honest enough to tell it, because she fights so hard for the image of “everythings’s fine, everything’s perfect, just smile :D” and tine knowles… I didn’t like what she has designed for DC neither. I’m for sure not a hater, because for that, I do not care enough about the Knowles, I just say my own opinion. I don’t like the line, as most of the people.

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