When it comes to luxury PR branding SEO keyword targeting is vital for your campaigns.  The most important approach will be to create focused content to attract and engage the right target audiences.

If you are targeting ultra luxury consumers or new affluent consumers, you must design your campaign to target the desired target audiences. To avoid making your message for the masses you should seek to produce content for high-end audiences.

Tiffany Facebook Luxury PR Branding SEO

When adding lifestyle images you want to make sure your image delivers what you want to communicate. Luxury is a lifestyle and you want to engage with a call to action photo that targets.

Here are some improved areas to add luxury lifestyle images for using  Google, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Google Image Ads

If you’ve browsed websites and seen large graphic ads across the top of a webpage, then you’re already familiar with what image ads look like. You can create image ads in various sizes. If you have a static, animated, or Flash image that you’d like to use, you can upload it into AdWords. You can also take advantage of available templates in display ad builder to build a custom ad.

Before creating your ad in AdWords, you’ll need to prepare an image file that is sized and formatted appropriately. The size and format requirements depend on where you plan to show your ad — websites on desktop browsers or on mobile devices.

Business Profile Pinterest Boards

A board is a set of pins. You can create a board for any topic. Boards for business profiles are very engaging and allow you to profile images related to content targeting. Having a business profile on Pinterest is an excellent way to brand and create boards through lifestyle images increasing brand awareness.

Facebook Boost Post

Facebook audiences are most moved by images and eager to LIKE fan pages for images. The more lifestyle engaging the image the better chances of having it receive likes. Here you score by incorporating an lifestyle image that delivers your content message and also targets through a call to action.

Facebook boosted posts are vastly different from promoted pages. You set your budget and that determines your audience reach. Using lifestyle images in boosted post on Facebook is the ultimate engagement.

#LuxuryPRBranding #LuxurySEO

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