Back on this one Again!

The Rev. Jesse Jackson has been labeled in the African American community as a hater for his remarks against Senator Barack Obama. Virtually, every high traffic website focused on African American communities asked the question “Is Rev. Jackson hating against Obama?” The response from African Americans was alarming, speaking out in record numbers.

I discovered one YouTube video (you can listen to the video I am referring to here) which particularly caught my attention and thought that it should receive more media attention. A young 24 year old woman expresses her views on the entire Rev. Jackson and Senator Barack Obama issue.

Interesting enough in the video the young woman thanks Rev. Jackson for his career efforts to help African American people. However, she identifies how she feels that Rev. Jackson sees and views African American people. You can hear the remarks Rev. Jackson made about Senator Barack Obama, which can be replayed here again.
The views of the young lady on YouTube could very well sum up IS this maybe how Rev. Jackson feels and why he would make such a remark? Will Rev. Jackson ever be able to get African Americans to listen to him again? Will Rev. Jackson be able to get ANY one to listen to his message? Sure, Rev. Jackson still has a strong following!

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