Luxury brands are struggling to find their presence in the social media marketplace. However, many luxury brands are realizing that they can no longer remain exclusive and must mingle in the open World Wide Web. That is if they want to survive the economic downtime and also remain a sustainable luxury brand.

Here are a few eye candy videos showing luxury lifestyles. After watching these videos would you want to go out and purchase the luxury goods? The concept of luxury branding with videos is a good start to engage luxury consumers. Within social media environments luxury brands have to establish brand awareness. If luxury brands want to appear luxury their videos must represent the value of their brand.

Traditionally real estate luxury marketers most often took advantage of luxury branding videos. We will see growing trends among many luxury brands expanding their media message with lifestyle videos. Luxury branding videos should demonstrate the luxury lifestyle, concept, features and benefits, so on.

Examples of Luxury Videos

Abu Dhabi Yacht Show – Premier at

Rock Blast Artopz Eclipz Demo – Premier YouTube

Video – Lily Allen’s Chanel new campaign – Premier YouTube

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