By now you must have already heard the good news as it travels fast. Sarah Palin is going to be a contributor to the Fox News Channel. A real political brand and a real news brand united and what a match.

Sorry, Sarah Palin is considered more of a political brand than a political official. And Fox News constantly has to remind us that they report real news. Many say that this will strengthen the Palin Political Brand and that is most likely true. However, some critics feel this will be a move away from elected office.

Looks like Palin will also need some PR media crisis management. A new book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin “Race of a Lifetime” may just expose how little Palin really knows about politics and history. You know all the stuff that political minds know and the reasons why we elect them.

Heilemann and Halperin write: “Palin couldn’t explain why North Korea and South Korea were separate nations. She didn’t know what the Fed [the Federal Reserve] did. Asked who attacked America on 9/11, she suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussein. Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team: ‘I wish I’d paid more attention to this stuff’.”

Do you think that Sarah Palin will make a good Fox News contributor talking about politics? Is this a smart PR move or bad publicity?

Here is to wishing Sarah Palin all the best!

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