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Chinese Luxury Brand

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Hong Kong Beats Out NYC For Most Expensive District For Retailers

  Finally, after 11 years New York City no longer holds the top rank for the most expensive district for retailers. Hong Kong ended New York’s 11-year reign as the home of the world’s most expensive district for retailers as luxury-brand companies competed for space to sell goods to mainland Chinese tourists. Average annual rents at …

Next Generation Of Luxury Brands PR Profile No Logo Low Key

The most sought after luxury brand market in China has a luxury brand PR problem. It appears that the next generation of luxury brands PR profile is somewhat different from traditional luxury brands. Those who love traditional luxury brands know them by their brand logo identity. This way of thinking is changing…. Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman …

China New Luxury Brands To Watch On The Rise

All eyes are on China’s new emerging luxury brands on the rise and making big names. Smart luxury PR move for Chinese luxury brands who focus on China’s culture. Why not, they have an insider advantage and the entire world is looking to China to lead the luxury market.  So who is leading the pack …

The Luxury Brand War Inside China Online Retailers

Everyone in the luxury industry understands that China now stands for luxury. Which is why the demand to target the Chinese luxury market is essential for sustainability and growth. A recent hotspot for capturing the most desired target audience is China’s online retailers which is also causing major controversy. According to China Daily, China’s online …

Gucci In China, Chinese Luxury Goods, Plus Corruption

  All eyes are on China for luxury brands and targeting the Chinese luxury market is the object of every major luxury brand. So the desire to capture market share in China as a luxury brand leader is the future for luxury brands wanting to sustain. China is leading the market for consumers purchasing ultra …