I am calling this the Janay Jones Experiment. A prime example of what never and NOT to do when in search of an internship, job or even new job opportunities. For Miss Jones this may prove and serve as a valuable learning lesson.
Mosnar Communications, Inc is extremely particular about allowing students and graduates to intern with our firm. Before we allow students to intern with us we often ask hidden questions, test their skills and ability to perform. Proudly our interns come from some of the best schools and extremely smart with bright futures.

Needless to say, Miss Jones wanting to work in the fashion industry already has taken on a DIVA like attitude. Had we hired her which we would have NEVER her temperament could have possibly gotten some of our pitches and storylines blackballed.

I strongly suggest screening interns closely to protect your brand and reputation.
The following are email communications: Janay Jones Experiment
Ms. Ransom,

I would like to thank you for taking a moment to review my resume. I will graduate from American InterContinental University in June with a BFA in Fashion Design and Marketing. I am looking for a internship in public relations to learn more about the marketing side of business. After reviewing my resume I hope there is a fit for me in your company. I look forward to meeting you.

Thank you in advance,

Janay Jones

Here comes a response from CR our lead publicist. CR likes to test skills; she was hoping that Miss Jones would tell us the difference between PR and marketing. BTW, that is a test requirement for ALL our interns.

Hi Janay

“I am looking for a internship in public relations to learn more about the marketing side of business.”

PR and marketing are NOT the same.


CR Ransom

The DIVA replies in outrage!

To whom this may concern:

In response to your feedback, I regret my consideration of interning with a company that is unprofessional and clearly ignorant to the field their in, such as yours. I understand the difference between public relations and full fledged marketing. However, Public relations is a form of marketing.

I expressed my interest because your website is boastful about things you admitted you do not partake in (the fashion industry). Responding in such a way to an expression of interest over a month ago was redundant. I would have much rather you say you were not interested because i clearly stated what i was looking for and my purpose. I greatly appreciate you saving me the time and frustration of experiencing non professionalism that may stunt my growth.

Janay Jones


Now I am responding publically, as PR firms often do….
Dearest Janay
We would never dream of stunting your growth! Best wishes for a bright future.

The End!

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