I know that it is a recession going on but will luxury brands please stopping killing press releases. Many luxury brands are taking on the charge to maintain their own media messages. So they remain sitting ducks waiting to make some major headlines. Think first before you cut your PR budget.

Think about how much publicity exposure your luxury brand could receive by gaining a major write up on a top luxury lifestyle blog such as JustLuxe.com, LuxuryLaunches.com, or BornRich.org and others! A press release is often the starting point for mass publicity exposure.

No surprise that the press releases we see today are lacking. Most upcoming luxury brands are even writing their own press releases in hopes of saving money over hiring a luxury PR firm. However, in the long run this will cost them dearly when they fail to build media credibility for brand awareness. A failure to launch often leads to death for luxury branding.

Having luxury PR representation could mean the difference of creating enough media exposure to generate revenue, gain credibility to sustain, or the alternative of having to close up shop. What luxury brands don’t understand is that they don’t know jack about media! Just because you have a FAB offering, product, or service designed for the luxury market does not mean you know how to promote it to the media. For luxury brands their expertise is from the vision of their business model. The media is the gateway to connect with luxury consumers and an expert is needed to carryout the mission.

Five Worst Ways Luxury Brands Abuse Press Releases Today

1. Use press releases as adverting copy! Media and press releases should not be used as advertisements. Many luxury brands are guilty of distributing press releases that are ads.

2. NOT newsworthy! This is the ultimate violation and many luxury brands promote press releases that are not newsworthy. Often hurting chances for media pickups and publicity exposure.

3. Miss fundamentals! Luxury brands are not covering the basic fundamentals in their press releases such as telling the media story of who, where, what, when, why, and how. Keep in mind press releases should be written as simple talk, like talking to a thirteen year old.

4. Don’t pitch press releases properly! Luxury brands fail to understand that press releases still must be pitched and promoted to matched media outlets to increase media placements.

5. Lack call to action. Rarely luxury brands encourage a call to action in their press releases. Most often luxury brands confuse a call to action with a sales pitch.

If you have a luxury brand that you are really serious about gaining credible media attention for please contact me in confidence at postmaster@mosnarcommunications.com. I am available for luxury brand consulting and public speaking engagements.

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