Certainly going online for Gucci was a smart luxury PR move. Over 400,000 plus fans have made the Gucci brand their friend online. The official Gucci Facebook page has now become a hot social media marketing tool.

Gucci is doing a great job at using their Facebook update tool to inform fans about news and happenings. Plus all the pictures on their wall certainly engage fans with the brand’s luxury lifestyle concept.

However, I was disappointed to see the Facebook promo for the Gucci Fall Winter 2009 Campaign. The wall review left me feeling empty, actually the lack of information on their wall was what left me empty. Gucci previewed for us 10 sensational pictures of their upcoming fall winter 2009 line but nothing more.

It appears they may be using Facebook for product placement over being social. I would strongly recommend that Gucci add some information on their Facebook wall about their Fall Winter 2009 line. Try educating us on the details behind the photos and about the products. Not from a SALE point of view but as a friend. After all Facebook is still a social network.

All and all, Gucci is on a smart social track.

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