When it comes to luxury goods Gucci is one of the biggest and best selling Italian luxury brands in the world. Rich in heritage Gucci was founded in Florence around 1921 created by the great Guccio Gucci. Today Gucci is a very well respected luxury brand worth billions in value and brand awareness.
Worldwide Gucci operates an estimated 278 stores around the world and is a global luxury brand. Gucci is owned by Kering formerly recognized as PPR. Gucci works with franchisees and high-end retail department stores. Many of their products are sold wholesale to franchisees and department stores.
Why Gucci is a leather goods and Italian fashion obsession is because luxury consumers demand Gucci. Something fresh for Gucci started when they took on a brand makeover in 2013. Focusing more on higher-end leather accessories without logos. Creating a strong brand relationship and exclusivity with ultra wealthy consumers. When you engage with Gucci you don’t have to have a logo but you know it’s Gucci baby. Also, 60 percent of Gucci sales come from items without logos. This is compared to 44 percent at the fiscal end of 2012.
Gucci is superior for high-end leather goods, clothing, and luxurious fashion. Gucci products are meant to be collection pieces and passed down through generations. The Gucci crest and brand awareness for the double G is a luxury industry iconic symbol. Gucci is a luxury brand that shall continue to rein and rise up.