If you thought that child luxury died with Cookie the high-end parenting magazine think again. While Condé Nast may have pulled the plug on Cookie, high-end child luxury is still very much alive and well today.

What may have went wrong with Cookie? The magazine promoted high-end luxuries for children seemingly a smart niche and plus never ending products of luxury goods targeting children on the market. Promoting $900 Bugaboo strollers and expensive diaper bags priced to match.

They focused on attaching brand awareness for status over education, quality and excellence. Cookie was lacking the key elements to build credibility for brand exposure through product education that would have secured sustainability. This is an ultimate solution to beat recession economic downtime and advertising decline.

Something that stroller maker UPPABaby is getting right and selling $699 strollers like hotcakes. They present features such as sun shade that provides a SPF 50 protection from the sun. Focusing on solutions to target, capture, and engage their audiences. Connecting with Mom bloggers and parenting websites receiving tons of publicity exposure and credibility.

Charmposh.com is a luxury lifestyle blog highlighting luxury for children 12 and under. The blog serves as an insider for finding luxury goods, products, and services for children 12 and under. The market demand still shows there is a strong interest for child luxury.

When it comes to marketing luxury goods for children remember consumers see this as an investment over an expense. Child luxury is not a product that you have to sale because the value of the investment is already perceived.

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