Social media has certainly changed the way how consumers feel about as well as view luxury brands. So when it comes to making your luxury brand presence known on the social media scene it is important to know what social media sites offer the best return for investment of your luxury brand’s time.

When it comes to social media networking, the A-List social media sites are where you should be spending your time. The A-List of social media sites can explode a luxury brand’s credibility in a major way. The one thing most luxury brands often want to know is what social media sites should they concentrate on.

Consider this, social media networking can bring tremendous exposure for your luxury brand and it is important to target the TOP social media outlets. Worried about which social media networks will be the most effective for luxury PR campaigns? Well, according to Brain Solis, a Nielsen report examines time spent on multiple Social and Micro Networks.

Top 10 Social Networking and Blog Sites Ranked

Why is this relevant?

Facebook is #1, so every luxury brand in the world should have a presence on Facebook the King for exposure! The #2 contender is Myspace and should matter as a resource to be included in PR campaigns! Twitter #5 and my personal favorite must be counted as an addition to increase brand awareness!

Bonus is Blogger #3 which offers your luxury brand the best social media network for blogging! For those experiencing the economy downside setting up a blogger account is FREE!

So for luxury brands STILL not being social it is time to start social media networking.

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