Sadly the King of Pop Michael Jackson passed away. The media has become obsessed with Michael Jackson coverage, covering his luxurious lifestyle along with his stardom. Jackson’s death is BIG media and also big luxury branding.

Michael Jackson will become a luxury brand. I repeat Michael Jackson will become one of the world’s biggest luxury brands ever. His legacy will be associated with luxury and his humanitarian efforts honored. His talent will be upheld as the highest luxury.

Oprah Winfrey has not had much to say about Jackson, no coverage as of yet. He was the one star on the universe actually bigger than Oprah or Madonna, Beyonce… All the A-List stars on the planet. MJ was the biggest star of them all.

Ways to Honor MJ and spotlight some attention to your luxury brand:

Promote MJ Music

Start playing Michael Jackson’s hits in luxury salons, spas, stores, resorts, restaurants, etc. Play MJ music at your next event.

You can even change the telephone hold music to play MJ.
Make an announcement to the media that your luxury brand will be promoting MJ music! Tweet it on Twitter, promote it on Facebook, etc.

V.I.P Promotions for MJ Fans

Michael Jackson loved luxury and lived a lifestyle inspired by luxury. Implement V.I.P offerings that honor Michael Jackson and his favorite things.

There are many ways to honor the King of Pop and expect to see many creative concepts coming out in the near future.

The world will miss you Michael R.I.P!

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