Did you know you might have a secret social media admirer? In fact you might have hundreds and maybe even thousands of social media admirers. So how do you get hidden fans to become friends and followers? How do you get secret social media admirers to toot that they are friends and followers, the ultimate stamp of approval.

Give Back

Secret social media admirers sometimes don’t want to reveal their identity. Often they may feel that they are competitors for a product or service that you offer. I follow plus also friend competitors and often even promote what they have to say in social media. The reason being is because in social media I want to give back and be the expert authority on my subject matters. Winning potential customers, clients, referrals, etc by keeping them informed.

Communicate Back

Often a social media admirer may be trying to connect with you but stop short of becoming a friend or follower because you are not communicating back. Thank those who comment about you on their Facebook page or send out a Tweet on Twitter. This will sure win their affection to openly become a friend and follower.

Follow Back

You may also be a secret social media admirer and NOT even know it! If you find someone engaging, encouraging, informative, etc make them a friend and follow them.

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