Will your luxury brand be a Rockstar in 2011? Gone are the days of the all so exclusive luxury branding techniques. Competition is going to be very fierce among luxury brands this year. Especially, for luxury brands in the battle of purse wars.

Influence will become the single most sought after request for every luxury brand. The more credibility a luxury brand has the more brand awareness and exposure it receives. Luxury brands recognize that online presence is a critical part of their marketing strategy and necessary for sustainability.

So just how does a luxury brand become a Rockstar? According to Logan Zanelli from Copyblogger there just may be a secret code to receive Rockstar fame. For the exclusive luxury brands who might want more traffic, fame, and success online (the same as being a Rockstar) here is what you need to do.

Zanelli sums up why showmanship is very important.

7 ways to use showmanship to command the attention of your audience

1. Choose a style that belongs to you. In order to be unique in your niche, you need to create a style that conveys who you are and what you do, in a way that your audience can get excited about. Find that “sweet spot” that will set you apart.

2. Immerse yourself in the style you’ve chosen. Once you’ve decided on your style, immerse everything you do in that style. That’s what showmanship is all about — taking what you do and wrapping it in a unique angle that gets your audience’s attention. If you don’t infuse everything you do with a single style, your audience will be confused by the conflicting brands you’re presenting.

3. Know what part of your personality connects with your audience. Being authentic doesn’t mean baring everything about yourself to the world. As Brian says, it’s about being the best “you” that you can be for your audience. Figure out what part of your personality “clicks” with your audience, and show more of that.

4. Focus on your audience, not yourself. I love what Sonia said at BlogWorld right after Brian finished his definition of authenticity. She said: “It’s not about you. It’s never about you. In business, it’s always about your customer.” If you want an engaged audience, you need to focus on what they want, what they need, and what they like.

5. Know the difference between authenticity and “too much information.” There’s a fine line between being authentic and telling your audience something they really didn’t want to know. Don’t cross the line into TMI. As Sonia says, “No one wants that much authenticity.”

6. Act like an authority if you want to be seen as one. If you want to be seen as an authority in your niche, you need to present yourself in a way that’s consistent with that level of respect. If you’re a financial advisor and you constantly complain about being broke, no one’s going to be very interested in your advice. Be mindful of how you present yourself.

7. Be consistent. At its core, branding is all about consistency — giving your audience the same positive experience every time they interact with you. If you want to command the attention of your audience, you need to be consistent in everything you do. Make sure everything you publish is in line with your overall brand, and stick to a consistent publishing schedule.

These same theories should be applied by luxury brands. Luxury brand engagement online will need to change and it is time that all brands promoting excellence recognize this. It makes me wonder will luxury continue to be exclusive?

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