Despite the economic bad news reports about the luxury market. One luxury sector is still surviving and that is luxury for children. The more luxurious the better when the subject is child luxury, a vibrant luxury lifestyle for children. The concept of child luxury is more focused on enhancement of lifestyle and not just pricey luxury goods.

Why would high fashion designer Marc Jacobs be interested in child luxury? Well Jacobs along with his partner Robert Duffy created a line of children’s wear after friends and family were looking for high end designer fashions for their children. The line is called Little Marc. is a blog dedicated to child luxury for children 12 and under. The blog is a scout for finding luxury goods for children. A design from Little Marc is featured in their Yum Yum Looks of Day. Showing that fashion is a demand for luxury lifestyles of children.

What do ultra rich kids dig? profiles a playhouse from Tumble Outpost with a retail value of $122,730.00. Luxury cars receive a lot of attention on However, these luxury car collections are for children only. The blog even features a luxury Ferrari Testarossa for 6 – 11 year olds with a retail value of $97,395.00. They also provide information about where to purchase and description details.

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