Special Blog Report:

On October 14, 2009 E! set to release the biggest storyline ever covered in history. Why will this storyline be so big? Well it will cover the last days of the King of Pop Michael Jackson promising more revelations that even the police would like to know! While there have been similar storylines but never one with as much detail as what is going to be covered by “E! Investigates: Last Days of Michael Jackson” New.

Where is Leonard Rowe? More importantly why is he not signing the release form for E!?

Mosnar Communications, Inc assisted Mr. Rowe with organizing and managing many of the media appearances after Michael Jackson’s death. Our firm also arranged his strongest interview with Maggie Rodriguez from CBS Early exclusive. We even worked with E! and which we coordinated and setup an interview with Mr. Rowe about the last days of Michael Jackson.

What went wrong? Well, the first release documents that E! wanted Mr. Rowe to sign offered more protection for them than Mr. Rowe and he flat out refused to sign. E! decided to move forward with the interview and from my understanding got some great details!

We were able to get E! to compromise on the release document and Mr. Rowe was given a release form that would be granted to a top A-List celebrity. Problem solved? Not so fast Mr. Rowe is still refusing to sign!!

When working with celebrities, high profile individuals, or even high profile established brands you can never determine an outcome.

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